Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's over...for now

Now that both scheduled latesauce premieres have taken place, copies of the video are now available online. they are 8$. please buy one, help Richie out since he put all his time and much money into the video, making copies and developing super 8 (that shit aint cheap). But just incase you missed out on both premieres, there is a possibility that Fairman's skateshop may have a showing of the video at a hoped to be local video night, not sure exactly when this event will take place, but Fairman's should be getting copies of the video in at the store. 
In other news, the mic on my vx is broken and needs to be sent out, so there aren't going to be new footy video updates for a little while. But i'm sure i'll find some interesting things to put up on here...Also due to rain we didn't end up going to york park, what a bummer :(

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